Since 2012 Riga on-street parking meters have been progresssively upgraded to be cashless and to accept payments by using the electronic money credited in e-talons or by using bankcards.
- Different bank card types
- Payment for on-street parking by e-talons (with loaded e-purse): Quicker than bankcards and even coins!
- Payment for on-street parking by SMS:
register here
Cashless payments mean:
- for the car driver: easy payment (no more searching for coins - no more issues with rejected coins)
- less fraud
- income increase, because of less fraud and easiness of payment (no need to keep small coins)
- costs reduction
- more money for service improvement
1. Extension of parking machine service life: no more hassles related to coin payments.
2. Reduction of vandalism, as machines have no cash.
3. Reduced maintenance and operating costs: no encashment, less spare parts consumption, reduce the number of off-site technical staff